What you can do for your restaurant.
If you are an employer, download Notice of Reduced Earnings (DE 2063) (PDF) or Notice of Reduced Earnings (DE 2063F) (PDF), or use one of the following methods:
Order through Online Forms and Publications
Employers can apply for the Unemployment Insurance (UI) Work Sharing Program if reduced production, services, or other conditions cause them to seek an alternative to layoffs.
The Work Sharing Program helps employees whose hours and wages have been reduced:
Receive UI benefits.
Keep their current job.
Avoid financial hardships.
Partial claims are for employees whose employers want to keep them when there is a lack of work.
The employer certifies that the employee is expected to return to work, and gives them a form to file an Unemployment Insurance (UI) claim.
If you are an employee who used the Notice of Reduced Earnings (DE 2063) (PDF) or Notice of Reduced Earnings (Fisherperson) (DE 2063F) (PDF) to file for UI benefits, you are not required to look for a new job because your employer has certified that there will be a job for you shortly. You are considered partially unemployed.
How to File a Claim
Contact EDD to file a claim for partial UI benefits and have the following items prepared:
Full Name
Social security number
Mailing address
Home address (if different than mailing address)
Phone number
Most recent employer information
Company name
Address (mailing and physical location)
Phone number
All employer information from the 18 months before you filed your claim
Names of employers
Period of employment
Wages earned
Method of payment
Driver’s license or ID card number, if you have one
Most recent date worked and the reason you are no longer working
Citizenship status (which can include an alien registration number)
If we need to verify the information you provide, we will mail you additional information or request more documentation.
Some more reading:
If unable to work due to having or being exposed to COVID-19 should file a Disability Insurance (DI) claim.
Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers on COVID-19, based on the information provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Californians who are unable to work because they are caring for an ill or quarantined family member with COVID-19 can file a Paid Family Leave (PFL) claim.